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Carrie Grula Jewelry

Carrie resides in Tacoma, WA and works for Chihuly Workshop. Since relocating to Tacoma, she has been active with the Arts Connect youth glass program that is run through Hilltop Artists. You can also find her works at Vetri gallery and Avalon Glassworks in Seattle.

“The initial inspiration for my artwork was an interest in the aesthetics of the seventies. I was drawn to the colors, patterns, and furniture from this era. As my worked progressed, my focus shifted to an interest in the geometric and floral wall paper patterns and fabric designs from this and other eras. I take elements from these sources, simplify them and then use them to develop layers of patterns that I apply to my glass work. Even though the seventies isn't the primary focus of my research anymore, the retro style still influences the overall designs that I develop.” – Grula

 Grula has recently pulled inspiration from art deco design, resulting in a beautiful eclectic blend of patterns in her glass work.

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