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Amy Reeves

As the owner and founder of Tacoma Metal Arts Center, Amy Reeves has been making metal jewelry since 1992. After receiving a BFA in Metal Design from the University of Washington, she began working as a full-time professional goldsmith.  Her work and technical articles have been featured in publications like Art Jewelry and 500 Bracelets.


She has taught across the Puget Sound area in schools such as Pratt Fine Arts Center, North Seattle Community College, Tacoma Community College, and Evergreen State College, among others. Seeing a need for a metals venue in Tacoma, and wanting to share her knowledge and passion with her own community, she decided to start a jewelry making and metalsmithing school in Tacoma. Amy opened Tacoma Metal Arts Center in December 2009. Starting with herself as the only instructor it has now grown into having more than 15 highly skilled instructors teaching over 70 different classes throughout the year, to support a community of jewelry artists.

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